Where to install a panel at home?

Without doubt when deciding on the location of the panel and its proper installation one should consider the type of building.

Door entry units are devices used not only in private homes, but also in companies or public buildings. Only the range of their functionalities will differ, depending on what we expect and which model we choose. Without doubt when deciding on the location of the panel and its proper installation one should consider the type of building. Before installation, it is wise to see how to do it correctly to avoid problems later.

Door entry unit installation – how to do it correctly?

Self-installation of a door entry units is usually done by owners of single-family homes. In the case of blocks of flats or other buildings installation is usually handled by a property manager or project contractor. It is wise to choose the location of a door entry unit already at the stage of designing the house, in order to pre-route all the wires, which will greatly facilitate any further work. Run the ground wires from the house switchboard up to the fence or gate post, then mount the outdoor panel on it, at a height of about 150 cm from the ground. Another cable should be routed from the switchboard to the place where an internal receiver (such as uniphone or video entry unit if one is used) will be located. All that is left is attaching the frame that comes with the whole kit and the work is done. Installing a door entry unit is an easy task, but some precautions must be taken. Precautions such as disconnecting the main fuse from the power supply and using proper tools.

Where to install a panel at home?

Before routing the wires, consider the location where the unit will be installed. The most obvious place seems to be the vestibule or hallway, but other locations can also be suitable. The handset can be mounted in the most frequently used room. Such as the kitchen, living room or study – to be able to hear the doorbell when guests arrive. Door entry units now available can be expanded, hence it is possible to have two or even more uniphones, if necessary.

See also
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Only 70 mm wide!

Only 70 mm wide!

Little space to install? Check how many functions can be found in the COMO-PRO-V! NT, which is only 70 mm wide!

Which would be a suitable panel for a block of flats?

Which would be a suitable panel for a block of flats?

A panel for a single-family house will typically offer more additional features and will often be suitable for self-installation.
